Unique Child

Being a nursery in Cranleigh brings so many opportunities for children to gain access to the beautiful surroundings in and around Surrey. We believe that all our children that come to our Preschool need to access unique experiences and learning opportunities.

Every child comes with a unique story, something that makes them stand out from everyone else; here at Little Hearts Preschool in Cranleigh we will embrace their uniqueness.

Diversity is a huge part of our Early Years practice. It helps to shape children’s experiences and build on their knowledge of the world around them. By making sure we have a culturally diverse environment, we ensure we meet the needs of all children within the setting.

The Early Years Framework emphasises developing young children’s own sense of identity and a positive sense of pride in their own family origins. With the right guidance children can develop a sense of belonging to the local community and begin to understand and respect less familiar cultures.

Children welcome experiencing food, music or dance forms that reflect their own family. At our preschool we provide opportunities that enable children to stretch beyond the familiar.

At Little Hearts Preschool in Cranleigh we promote mutual respect within our nursery and encourage children to share their unique talents, cultures and abilities.